My Journal


Ok so we all have known for years that Sex sales and we all have known…for years …that good looks tend to tweek and alter people’s perceptions. Im guilty of it! But vanity hasn’t killed me yet. Well…not unless I run into this guy here.


Oh dear god (hypnotized)…do you have to stare at me like that?! Move back! I can’t even finish my train of thought without pausing.


Really?! Thats not any better, whatever, well here you have him the Blue Eyed Convict and wow. If the nice guys haven’t been given some golden stars or points by now well then I really don’t know what to tell you. Jeremy Meeks (28-30) jailed for several crimes, and not stating he’s a killer from my first comment, has the internet going popstar stupid. Ha ha! Justin Bieber you’re screwed.

Within 24 hours or well still going this inmate has had thousands of likes and comments ranging from “What’s he guilty of sexiness?” “Americas next bachelor in jail”  “Mr. Calendar of every month” . (Laughing) I can’t! this is why men think we are so damn oblivious and can barely amount to them in society.  Yes! He is a crazy attractive guy and I probably would do a 360 on a street (that’s about two or three turns) but, what happens when he opens his mouth? Can he pronuciate his words or are they just made up? Is he articulate or do you just get lost in his eyes. He doesn’t need a lot of clean up that’s for sure other than to just get his (cough) together.

With a bail set at nearly 1 million dollars women are already scrambling to take back and return every Christian Louboutins and Swarovski crystal jewelry they’ve recently purchased just to bail him out. Ok…so then what he’s out and you’ll all try to find a turkey baster to reproduce his genes?…..

Oh come on I was being sarcastic!

Here’s my deal why did he choose the life of being part of a gang? Where were the most imporant people in his life to redirect him or were they blinded by his destructive ways. What modeling agent didn’t snatch him up before hand as Im sure he’s always had these good looks. Im actually curious as I always am when I see people hit rock bottom. So if he were to get bailed out and clearly seeing the reaction he’s created (Im sure those cops are having a field day, side eye ) would he want to change for the better.

Now don’t get me wrong there actually are some very successful people in the entertainment that have had a criminal past like Danny Trejo. I mean really?! They STILL have them, but lets not make that a new trend because there can only be one %itch in the relationship and I don’t want to have any other curious questions.

At the end of the day its initially his choice and all these women will be crying over their materials that they swapped out for him if he takes the same yellow brick road. Ladies we all love our bad boys, but this is a whole different level of just being bad and I don’t love them so literal.

Jeremy I hope you gain an epiphany behind bars because this is not an everyday situation.  And most importantly you better bat the hell out of those pretty blue eyes if your other inmates see you going viral. All in all good luck and if you get a second chance you better work on making a better change for yourself,  As I have a feeling new endeavors will be right in front of you



What the hell is in the water?!


Ok this is just getting ridiculous. Where did this one come from? (To the left) like did they come in Man Candy packs? If this isn’t a hoax by now then it should be. “Supposedly” this is his brother where really they don’t look anything alike other than I just can’t function. Im sure he said to himself… “oh im about to get in on this too playa”.

Gaurds be on the look out for a stampede of women.


And this is exactly what I was speaking about when he opens his mouth…oh uh uh

“Keep It Social”

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