We’re no longer living in a mans world where women are just renting space out of a building. For centuries, women have fought for the same amount of respect from men while upholding a solid place in a world that typically views us as mere objects or trophies to be kept in a glass case. Our persistence in equaling our whole being has created many rifts in the rigid ideologies of our counterparts setting forth a rise of continual resistance, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t still be trophies while doing so, and Molly Bloom proves that in the new film, Molly’s Game.

This film gives an inside look on Molly Bloom running the ambitious world of a mans cave under her rules and regulations all while maintaining sophistication, integrity and class.
Last night, I attended a private event and movie screening for one of the most talked about films that has people counting their cards and turning over their chips. I hadn’t heard of the film based off the true story of Molly Bloom, but seeing that I had received an invite from not only Blogger Babes but also another invite held by CAA agency, I knew I wanted to see what all the talk was about. I jumped on Google and realized that a few of my favorite actors were in this film directed by Aaron Sorkin; Jessica Chastain, Idris Elba and Michael Cera all starred in this tell all script and so I RSVPed to both invites. Since the CAA screening is to be held in January, I was more thrilled that I had received my confirmation through Blogger Babes to catch the screening before it hits selected theaters this Christmas.

A private social mingle was put together for us, as well as other social influencers, at The Grove Los Angeles, where we would hobnob over cocktails and hors d’oeuvres. Organized by STX entertainment production, they coordinated the event to be a night of extravagance in an open area of bright lights and a timely snow fall reminiscent of the film and the life of Molly Bloom. I haven’t been socially out for this holiday season, so I chose to dress as a chocolate snow bunny to set the mood which was perfect for the ambiance they had set. The cocktail party started at 6 pm near the popular photo worthy water fountain at a bar that had just opened up a few months prior. I’ve passed it a few times during my shopping ventures, but I never took the time to actually take advantage of it up until now. I was one of the first to show up right as rain had everyone scattering like ants to sheltered areas, but once that had stopped in a timely fashion, other Blogger Babes and Industry figures started to check their names off of the guest list. We were immediately greeted with trays of sparking champagne and wines to start our night with trays of food following after while we took groups photos and conversed over our influencing lifestyles. The setting itself was gorgeous and made me appreciate the holiday spirit as we had the spot light set right on us for all of shoppers to take notice, but overall, I was excited to see this much anticipated movie.

The film was set to begin at 7:30 where we were asked to make our way into the theater venue where we would redeem our reserved seating ticket and receive a replicated poker chip as seen in the movie. The theater was already filled with those that work in the industry, and the blogger babes sat in the middle rows with reserved paper signs marked specifically for us. The poker chip we had received outside of the theater was a raffle ticket in order to win up to $250 gift prizes. We were asked to take photos of our tickets and post them on social media with the hashtag #MollysGame where each of us fidgeted with our phones and the WiFi services that left some photos stranded in the process of loading with only seconds to spare until the winners would be announced. Unfortunately, I didn’t win, but the emotions that ran through my veins after watching this film is worth far more than a generous gift.
As many know, I’ve been playing in the Hollywood field for a number of years as an under the radar socialite, so it’s a wonder that I’ve never heard of Molly Bloom; then again, we were playing on two completely different fields. While I was in the nightlife scene mixing and mingling with the starlets, socialites and actors alike, she had some of the biggest notable heavy hitters in Hollywood and around the world wrapped around her witty finger. With not too much of an age gap in between us, I was the social butterfly while she was the clever lioness with a shinier crown. She could’ve been my teacher as I her student actually learning early on in how to make a name for oneself in the name of women empowerment and recognition. Her story is not only gripping, daring and fun, it’s also a clear reminder that women have a very interesting way to making headlines that creates a sense of allurement; and that very same feeling has intrigued me in wanting to not only read her book, but understand the world of poker.
In the film, Molly Bloom earns the royal title of being referred to as the poker princess in an exclusive high-stakes poker game that she built and leveraged through acute observation, elegance and charm that not even the most high-powered men could turn their nose up to. A self made business mogul whose downfall put her on the list of women that magnified the ambition and integrity from what one would do when their stakes are at an all time high for survival in an elite world that would chew them up and spit them out without a second thought. At times during the film, I found myself calculated to my own thoughts of how one could turn the table at a whip lash only to be in the midst of an underground boys club, and she being the Queen. She became the Queen of many hearts that gained her an immense amount of respect without having to salvage her worth while also creating an image of herself and other discrete women away from the idea that beautiful women are solely meant for an eye candy appeal.
My mixed emotions went from feeling inspired, empowered and living for the life where power wasn’t met with a sense of disgust in oneself for having it over the odds. She challenged the notions of many myths and taboos while also banking on them. While there were moments of vulnerability in her story, that never affect the integrity of what she firmly stood for and that is why I am Wowed by her!

Molly’s Game will officially hit selected theaters this Christmas day.
Thank you Blogger Babes and STX entertainment