Thank You Thursdays


The psychological idea of New Years seems to be that in order for your life to transpire into the now, you have to somehow put behind the then. Yeah it sounds absolutely senseless.


Lets just be truthfully honest. That idea is a load of crap. We’ve all or many, repetitively continue to make these resolution plans and perceptions of what we want our lives to become all within the time span of just one year when realistically, it’s just a given. It might just eventually happen, but over a period of time and progress. The thought that people wait up until the end of the year to use this moronic concept of procrastination in order to move forward to the next just doesn’t make much sense.


The expectations with a New Year comes with these lavish ideas that it will be your year, it’ll be better than the last and this and that and just a bunch of humdrum. Just to clarify the many clouded bubbles. It will never be your year until all forms of human existence seizes to exist other than just yourself, but I can understand the enthusiasm of thinking that the new year will elevate your desired hopes and ambitions into something better

This year is bound to be better than the last. As we all claim. Okay well maybe to some extent there may be some truth to that as I’ve personally found.

I’ve had crappy new year last calls in the past from being stood up, to bros before hoes, stuck on a party bus and driving home during a countdown all with the eluded idea that I’d have control of yet another year. Funny enough, each person that contributed to these disappointing events are no longer a factor in my life today. So with that being said, yeah, it is inevitable that things will change and better situations will happen if that becomes your mission.

Within the past couple of years, I’ve found a new meaning to my life through ambition and creativity that I never knew I had. From one initial plan to a rerouted path, I’d have to honestly say that things were shaping up in unexpected adventures. The only difference between who I once was to who I am now is that I never stopped. Screw a new year full of redundancy especially while I’m still here to live in the present and current one I’m working with.

So I question, what are people honestly celebrating? Death to the old year and the rebirth to the new? Doesn’t that slightly go against flash back Fridays or throw back Thursdays? Does the end of the previous year have less importance than the one moving forward? Kind of like which came first? The chicken or the egg? I’ll admit that I’ve never really viewed it in this way, but I find it confusing. All I have to say is that I’m ready with preparation of what might come.

I’m not the religious type; in fact I consider myself more spiritual where I’m open to listening; and I’ve found that when you take the time to listen, you’re better at hearing. That then creates the reasoning for analyzing and depicting in order to understand what you don’t fair to consider. My friend made a great point in regards to God and his blessings. That when it’s your time to be blessed, you must prepare for those blessings in order to receive them. While I have my opinions with any conversations regarding God, when metaphorically expressed, I found how relevant it was to my current plan in life.

Before a woman knows she’s pregnant,  she’s partying, drinking and or living an unhealthy lifestyle. Stated as an example, but the moment a doctor confirms that pregnancy, and in most cases, she’ll prepare for that new life to be born which equals to having a blessing.

Based off of self reflection, it made a lot of sense which I find to be strangely  factual although it contradicts my opinions, views and beliefs. Looking back on where I started to where I am and going, I’ve been preparing for blessings that I’ve questioned for so long. I mean the term blessing has been so overrated now a days with people blessed over eating a stupid doughnut; or blessed because they saw a shooting star. Oh and here’s one of my favorites that one former asshole friend perpetrated.

“I’m blessed I’m not homeless

There are two types of people clearly in this world; the types that in-considerably gloat about their gaudy pretentious lifestyle and those who are well aware of their fortune, but also recognize the misfortune of others by passing on their blessings.

Me, I’m oblivious by my blessings because I just see it as a way of individual life or karma. What I personally choose to do for others is not because I’m a walking blessing. I don’t walk around with a halo hanging over my head; and I surely don’t appreciate having my generosity taken for granted; but at the end of my day, I just see it as being humanly compassionate.

My life has been pretty awesome lately, and I’ve taken notice of it, yet it hasn’t stopped my persistence in creating longevity in all that I want to achieve not only for myself, but also for the world I live in. So with this blissful feeling, is this what a blessing feels like that everyone keeps boasting about? Is it suppose to feel better than these blessings I continue to share? Well if it is. I think I kind of like it.


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