My Journal


Ok, so the new psychological thriller The Purge has been one of the most talked about and hash tagged horror films of this year. Considering that it’s only July I am anticipating the previews for the next chapter of this sequel to carry on into the next year.


Last year we left off with a family maliciously tormented by a demented group of kids and their so called “Neighborly neighbors” in their very own home (Too bad so sad if you didn’t catch the 1st one) and where it left off was to continue on as an American Holiday.  Could you imagine solely living just to live another year?! To work just to find the protection you would need to keep you and your family safe and to kill to overcome your fears?! What a psychotic way to live.

At times I feel as if this movie is a more in depth way of analyzing the way we actually live today. Not going to lie makes you retract your idea of “what if” and what side would you be on? I made sure to get my ticket opening day and it was worth every freaking penny! A modern day feel of almost every horror film you could imagine. Chainsaw massacre,  Resident Evil, Night of the living Dead (If you understand the the beauty of cinematography then you’ll get the picture) lets just put it this way….I want to be apart of that next chapter and in fact I’ve already started recreating my version. (For a screen play, so chill out!)


Photo cred: Lauren Koontz

There were quite a few laughs and definitely a few twist and turns that kept you at the edge of your seat. The perfect setting for a little date huh? (Wink) There’s just something sexy about a couple of the characters mannerisms in this film that makes you wonder whats really behind the whole”Bad boy” phase. Whoever did the make up for these characters has some serious skills but whose actually behind the makeup is what’s intriguing me…


I have to say that while the middle class citizens of America were releasing their suppressing feelings of anger, resentment and vengeance, the lower class became the unfortunate targets, while the upper class were actually the most sadistic ones to keep an eye on (We found one token black woman in that group).  Guess, goes to show money doesn’t always create feelings of emotional security. Money can’t buy you sanity


Now I’m not necessarily saying….or saying at all…that it’s ok to grab the nearest weapon and go on a vengeance spree,(Even though some people can just give those urges) but this had a certain adrenaline rush that brought a tingle down my spine for being a pretty simple plot to a horror movie (More because of the twist that took place and my love for horror) I guess you can say that if I were to be casted in a horror film you bet your sweet bottom I’d play the villian….Im still waiting for the moment I’ll be casted as Medusa with gorgeous men under my power (Smirk)

“Keep It Social”

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