My Journal


Dear diary, I became inspired to write this because I felt the need to speak from the heart and soul. The heart and soul that in many can show more beauty in a person than the outer appearance of a “Queen” a super model, or pageant princess. The heart and soul that is not filled with “Thowing Shade” or “Reading” , but what brings issues to the surface that is continuously buried in the dirt. Now granted many in those categories have shown a sense of grace and humility that is often times masked by our societies way of thinking, but we want to inspect these qualities from the core.

Growing up I never truly understood the figment of beauty, because I was always told I was beautiful just the way I was, I never had to change. I had many friends more than I could count on two hands. I was a leader, I was that young girl that could have a sea of people gravitate towards in a second. I loved the weather, Love and Life in all spectrums of the universe from making my own birds nest out of twigs and sticks just to give back to nature. Yes, I actually taught myself how to make a birds nest. I never harmed a creature with more limbs or crawling legs than myself where I only felt it necessary to protect them from the evil kid who wanted to take it’s life away. My beauty was different from those around me, but just as the seasons, times too changed.


I started seeing true ugliness in not only in the society, I was living in,  but also in others that felt the need to invade my space with their black and white visions. Truth be told negativity, which is another term like so many others, is so loosely thrown around without having a thorough indepth understanding, is exactly what my environment became. A cloud of sheer and utter mental darkness that has many different levels once you funnel your way down. While many will carelessly associate the term with honesty, that couldn’t be more far from the truth. They were the negativity in my universe. Negativity of promoting ones vanity. Why? Because they’re subconsciously  taking away the beauty from all things in the world. They’re promoting not to self love in all layers. They’re stripping the credit from where it’s due and They’re constantly in a visual battle with what is to be considered beautiful and what is not. When you’re ugliness is brought to you head on, you abruptly move your vanity mirror so that the glass won’t crack for 7 years of bad luck. Shattered into a million pieces so that you can’t see your true form from which you’ve denied for so long.


Photo Credit Deviant Art

Beastly, a movie where a handsome and young rich kid was so engulfed by what a rigid society planted inside of his head that he nearly missed a true chance to find beauty in love. LOVE,  not Infatuation, Desire or Lust. Those that love themselves are not always staying true and accurate to what they internationally feel from the inside out and so they compensate with a ridiculous amount of superficial concepts or ideas.


They say that Beauty is only skin deep and while that may true for some it can also be very double standard. I’ve come across beauty and ugliness in all areas. A person who is shallow and vain, someone who only limits themselves by what they receive and don’t reciprocate I would consider them ugly or grotesque . Nevermind all the duck face pouts and pounds of make-up. If you’re  intellectually advanced then your perception can easily be altered to understand that. Then there’s the outer beauties that sparkles of joy and happiness and don’t recognize the outer beauty they have to which they could sell their souls with. They’re the shy quiet types that don’t feel the need to throw what they have out in the universe just for a pinch of self clarity. Faces in selfies that you wouldn’t know were taken more than several times just to get the right angle and lighting.

If you take a real close look through vanity, you can see the tears they’ve shed when all they have is a phone in their hand to filter out the smudged mascara they might of missed to wipe off. The pain that they surpress on a daily basis, but choose to be in the hands of controlling puppeteering world. A picture might say a thousand words, but those words are contorted and manipulated to mean something else far from its true form of definitions


Once you find that medium balance then come back to me when you’ve cut your puppet cords and then maybe you’ll feel internally free Xox

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